On Solid Ground ~ Part VIII

Here's the sixth and final of the Restorative poses from Yoga Journal's article (Winter 2010 - link at bottom of page).

Reverse Savasana (Corpse Pose), variation

By Karen Macklin
Sequence by Jillian Pransky

This reversed variation can feel more secure for someone who feels vulnerable in Savasana. Lie on your belly. Turn your head to the right. Bring your arms out to the side, elbows bent. Take your right knee out to the side. If needed, place a blanket for cushioning and support under the right arm, knee, thigh, belly, or all four. Cover your entire body with a blanket, including the exposed soles of your feet. After a couple of minutes, turn your head to the other side and switch the position of the knees. Stay here 5 to 10 minutes, releasing your whole front body into the ground.

Sara's Note: This is the last pose in the sequence. If you would like to read the entire article at Yoga Journal's website click here. I love how many blankets and bolsters have been used in this sequence. The more comfortable you can make yourself, the more your body can soften. Enjoy.


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