Day 25: 30 Day Meditation

This is Yoga North's gong:
the very one you hear in the recording.
Today for my meditation I listened to my own recording of the Deep Relaxation with Gong. This is a live recording from my Yin Yoga class. I really enjoyed the gong. In person, of course, it is much more intense. The sound waves transport you. You can feel them coursing through your body. But the recording is very relaxing and enjoyable to listen to also. Time passed very quickly and my mind did not wander much.

FYI: For folks who missed the explanation for the Deep Relaxation with Gong recording, (posted on Day 19) here it is: this was recorded on my iPhone during class and the audio quality is only so-so. The audio is fairly quiet and there are background noises too but maybe that will make you feel like you are in class, meditating with the group. My students were all in Savasana so you can choose to sit up or lay down to start.

I think you can just click on the link to download, but if that doesn't work try right-clicking and then choose "save link as" in order to download this file and listen on your iPod or mp3 player. This file is 12 minutes, 10 seconds and about 6 Megs.



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