Leading a Restorative Class - Part 3

Restorative Class Flow Plan

Develop a good flow plan and stick with it

For my Restorative class I set up 5 stations. I set a flow pattern and stick with it each class. One time I changed my order and then I couldn't remember where to direct people to go. And my regulars were confused too. In this plan:

  • Station 1 ~ Supported Child’s, Puppy, or Bound Angle Forward Fold (depends on a persons knees). Set-up: 2 Zafus with 1-2 folded blankets on top.

  • Station 2 ~ Supported Bridge Pose. Set-up: Mats, one block, belt optional.

  • Station 3 ~ Supported Side-Reclining Twist. Set-up: Long Bolsters with a blanket on top or 2-3 blankets folded slightly lengthwise.

  • Station 4 ~ Supported Reclining Bound Angle. Set-up: Bolster propped up on a Zafu or rolled blanket, 1 folded blanket placed at the top half of the bolster, 2 blocks per station to support the legs, 1 belt, might need additional blocks or blankets to support the arms.

  • Station 5 ~ Legs-up-the-wall Pose with hip stretch option. Set up: Mats and a small pillow or folded blanket for the head.

Each person will get to experience each pose. As I stated in Leading a Class - part 1, I time each posture and direct the students on when to switch sides and when to come out.

Before class starts I demonstrate each pose: how to get in, how to make adjustments for maximum comfort, what pose to take if the one offered is not available to you, and how to get out again.

Emphasize comfort again. It can't be stressed too much: Restorative Yoga should feel like heaven. Folks don't always want to ask for help so watch for signs of discomfort: scrunched foreheads, fidgeting, general tenseness, etc. and offer additional props as needed.


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