How Does Restorative Yoga Work?

Again I have to quote Judith Hanson Lasater. This excerpt is from an article posted on NS House of Yoga:
Restorative poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props as described in this book provides a completely supportive environment for total relaxation.

Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. These movements illustrate the age-old wisdom of yoga that teaches well-being is enhanced by a healthy spine. Some of the restorative poses are backbends, while others are forward bends. Additional poses gently twist the column both left and right.

Third, a well-sequenced restorative practice also includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. This can be as simple as putting the legs on a bolster or pillow, but the effects are quite dramatic. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced.

Sara's note: Ms. Lasater sums it up just right. In each of my classes I include at least one inversion (legs-on-a-chair is considered an inversion and can be done anywhere - close your office door and try it now), one forward fold, one twist, one heart center opener, and other poses too. Visit the Restorative Focus Pose category for ideas on poses you can do at home or in class.


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