30 Days of Relaxation - Free Home Study

I'm interested in renewing my Restorative Yoga home practice. It's been a very busy summer: selling and buying a house, building the new place out, losing our dog, traveling to France, starting a new book project...

Anyway, I do best at keeping myself to the task if I make a public announcement and invite others to join me. So here's my idea:

30 Days of Restorative Practice

It can be restorative poses, guided relaxation, meditation, gentle yoga, therapeutic yoga, soma yoga, etc.

My idea is to start on Friday, October 18th and finish on Saturday, November 16th which is International Restorative Yoga Day. I don't have a set amount of time per day that I will hold myself to. I am imagining anywhere from as little as 5 minutes to as much as 60 minutes per relaxation session.

I'd like to invite anyone and everyone to join me in this challenge. You relax & restore in your house, I'll relax & restore in my house, and we'll meet up here and on Facebook to share our experiences and support each other. Anybody can do this even if you've never done yoga before.

Here's how:

1) Follow this blog: You can navigate to the site each day or you can sign up on the side bar to get each post as an email to make it really easy. (See where it says "Follow by Email"? Sign up there.)
2) Follow on Facebook: I've created an event which you can "join." By joining, you should get updates in your Facebook newsfeed.

Either way, I will post a link to a restorative idea each day. You can use that idea in your practice or you can do your own favorite thing. The main thing is that we are each making a commitment to slow down, nourish ourselves, practice mindfulness, and de-stress for 30 days in a row.

Looking forward to relaxing with you. Namaste ~ Sara


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