Yesterday I listened an interview podcast with
Anodea Judith from
Sounds True. One of the things she mentioned was that when you find yourself moving spontaneously in your meditation (rocking or gently circling) this is an indication of your
chakras aligning. (If you
join Sounds True you can download the podcast for free.) As was discussed earlier on the
Facebook Event page, some of us do find ourselves moving or feeling like we are moving or spinning. So I thought it was interesting to come across this explanation.

Today I listened to
33 Tibetan Bowls while I sat and it was lovely. It was as if I were in a sound healing session. I did find myself moving a little bit from time to time. When my timer went off I reset it and sat a bit more.
Note: This CD has 2 songs, one is 27 minutes and one is 45 minutes, and they are both available as mp3 downloads for 89 cents from I highly recommend this CD.
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